Announcements & Events
Please fill out this form and click submit.
Tell us about your event
Name of Event or Title of Announcement
Contact Person
Contact Person Email
This address will receive a confirmation email
Contact Person Phone
How should we have people communicate questions, RSVPs, etc. with you? (Please select all that apply)
Please select all that apply.
People may contact me directly by phone. (Your phone number will be published)
People may contact me directly by email. (Your email address will be published)
I prefer that people contact the church office and the church office will pass communications along to me. My personal information will not be published.
Date & Time of Event
Is this a
Please select one option.
Church-only event
Wider community event
How would you like this annouceed?
Announcement Content - Please be as concise as possible! (Please note that church staff may edit or shorten your announcement to fit in available space.)
If this is a recurring, please note the start date, end date, and frequency of occurrence. (If not applicable, skip to next question.)
Rooms & Resources Needed (Ex:
If online event, what is the link? (Leave blank if none; write Zoom needed if you need the office to provide a link)
Advertising Start Date (If you don't care, leave blank)
Advertising End Date (If you don't care, leave blank)
Where would you like this advertised? (Please check all that apply)
Please select all that apply.
Additional Information
Other Notes (You may leave this field blank)
Please upload any files you need to share. (You may leave this field blank)
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Please fill out this form and click submit.
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